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- Навчальні проєкти 5 клас
Look at the way my friend Wesley Virgin's autobiography begins in this shocking and controversial video.
ВідповістиВидалитиWesley was in the military-and shortly after leaving-he revealed hidden, "SELF MIND CONTROL" tactics that the government and others used to obtain whatever they want.
These are the same methods lots of celebrities (especially those who "became famous out of nowhere") and elite business people used to become rich and successful.
You probably know how you utilize only 10% of your brain.
Mostly, that's because most of your BRAINPOWER is UNTAPPED.
Perhaps that expression has even taken place INSIDE OF YOUR very own brain... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's brain 7 years back, while riding an unlicensed, beat-up bucket of a vehicle with a suspended driver's license and $3.20 on his debit card.
"I'm so fed up with living check to check! Why can't I become successful?"
You've taken part in those questions, am I right?
Your success story is going to happen. Go and take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.